Monday, January 25, 2010

Stone Fox Chapter 9&10

1. What happened to Searchlight about a hundred feet before the finish line?

2. How did Stone Fox stop the other racers from crossing the finish line? What did he do and say?

3. Why did Stone Fox stop the other racers?

4. How are Stone Fox and Willy similar to eachother? How are their situations similar to eachother?


  1. Bethany

    1.Her heart burst.
    2.He made a line with his foot and said no one could cross or he would shoot!
    3.Because he wanted to let Willy win.
    4.They both are conpeteitive.

  2. Austin
    1. Her heart burst and she died.
    2. He took his rifle out and said nobody could cross the line he made or he would shoot.
    3. So little Willy could win the race.
    4. They both entered the race and they both won a race.

  3. aleigha
    1.Searchlight's heart stoped pumping.

    2.He shot the gun in the air and said eny one pass the line il shot.

    3.Because he wanted little Willy win.

    4.Because Stone fox lost his land to.

  4. Hannah
    1.She had a heartatack and dieded.
    2.He made a line and said"any one who crosses the line I shoot. willy could win and he felt bad for him.
    4.They are similar to each other because they booth had a good cause for wining the race and they booth are compedative.

  5. Anna
    1.Searchlight's heart bursted.
    2.He made a line and said"anyone who passes this line I will shoot.
    3.He saw that Searchlight was not moveing and felt bad for willy.
    4.They both won a race and had a cause for winning.

  6. Claire
    1.Her heart burst.

    2.Get out his rifle and anybody that crosses the finish line I shot.

    3. Got out his gun.

    4.Well Willy almost lost his land and Stone Fox did too.

  7. Angelina

    1. Searchlight had a heart attak and she died because she was going as fast as she can.

    2.Stone fox drew a line and said "If anyone crosses this line I will shoot" and he did it because he went through that and he knew how hard it was for him and searchlight.

    3. He stopped te racers by drawing a line and he said "Anyone crosses this line I'll shoot" and he got out a gun and faced it torwards the sky.

    4.Stone fox entered a race and they both won a race and they both almost lost their land but Willy almost lost his land and Stone fox did lose his and .

  8. ariana
    1.Her heart burst and she died instantly.

    2.He made a line and said who ever crosses this line I'll shoot.

    3.Because he knew if little Willy lost that race they would get the farm taken away and he didnt want that to happen because he knew what it was like because it happened to him when he got kicked off his land and he didnt want that to happen to little Willy.

    4.There sitchawations are similar because if little Willy lost the race he would get kicked off the farm and thats what happen to Stone Fox when he got kicked off his land.

  9. Cooper
    1. Her heart burst and she died.

    2. He fired a gun into the air. He said don't cross this line or I'll shoot.

    3. Because he wanted Willy to win.

    4. They are both caring.
    They both needed the money to get back their land.

  10. Jeanna
    1.Her heart burst.
    2.Drew a line & said" Pass this line I shoot."
    3.To help Willy because he had the same suchation.
    4.Stone Fox got kicked off land & Willy almost

  11. charles
    1. his hart burst
    2.he said if you crass shoot
    3.He know if willy lost the race
    his land will be tackin a way

  12. 4.that stonefox got kik of his land and willy almost

  13. Tommy

    1.She had a heart attack and died instintly because she was going so fast.

    2.He said that if anybody crossed the finish line he would shoot them.

    3.Because he knew what it felt like to loose your own land or house.

    4.Because they where both detirmend to win and little Willy almost lost their potato barn and Stone Fox lost his tribes' land.

  14. Nicholas
    1.She had a hart attack.
    2.Stone Fox took out his rifle and said"Anyone who crostes the finish line I shoot"
    3.To heip little Willy.
    4.They like to dog sled and thir places been moved out.

  15. Isaac
    1.Searchlight died of a heart attack or something.
    2.Stonefox took out his rifle and said who ever crosses this line I shoot.
    3.Stonefox stoped the other racers because he was impressed on how well Wlly did in the race so he let Willy win the race.

  16. Quinn
    1.Her hart bust.

    2.He would shoot if the crass the line.

    3.Searchlight was ded.
    4.Stonefox is tall and Willy was small.

  17. Miranda
    1.She died.

    2.He made a line and said any one who crosses this line I shoot.

    3.So little willy could keep the barn and because his dog died and if he lost he will have no mony.

    4.They both want to win and they help each other.

  18. Isaac
    4.Willy and Stonefox are like eachother becaus they both wanted to win the race.Their situations are the same because the both pretty much lost thier land.

  19. Alexandra

    1. Sherch Lights hart bersted and died like a hart atack.

    2. He drow a line and sead hil shoot ho ever croses the line.

    3.He got out his gun and ponted it tored the sky.

    4. They are bouth nice and he lost his land and Willy lost his dog.

  20. Fernanda
    1. Her haert burst and she died instantly.
    2.Stone Fox made a line and said "Anyone who cross this line I shoot.
    3.Because Stone Fox wanted Little Willy to win.
    4.stone Fox entered the race and they both won a race and they both almost lost their landbut Little Willy won his land back because Stone Fox let Little Willy win and Stone Fox lost his land.

  21. Brianna
    1. She started to get weak and old and died.
    3. He wanted them to stop racing because he wanted WIlly to win.

  22. charles
    1.when are we going to do more bloging that whould be fun
